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ProCampaign® Secure Customer Engagement Hub Combines All Necessary Functionalities
Use the ProCampaign® modules to design a cross-department Customer Engagement Hub that optimally supports customer loyalty management. Promote the customer experience with cross-media marketing and successfully retain customers.

ProCampaign® Secure Customer Engagement Hub
Offer your customers an ideal cross-media and cross-departmental end-to-end customer experience by building a Customer Engagement Hub (CEH) tailored to your company. A Customer Engagement Hub is an architectural framework that efficiently connects different systems, enabling a seamless, cross-departmental customer journey.
ProCampaign® is the secure customer engagement system you need for your individualized marketing campaigns and e-commerce activities. Through the central administration of customer data, the integrated functions and modules, you create personalized and context-related content that you can send automatically and crossmedially.

With ProCampaign® you steer into the future successfully and in compliance with data protection regulations
According to predictions of analysts, by 2020 more than 60 percent of large companies will be using a Customer Engagement Hub. About half of them will use unsuitable technologies. Avoid this error and rely on the powerful, flexible and data protection-compliant solution with ProCampaign® right from the start.
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What is ProCampaign®?
ProCampaign® is a digital marketing platform that helps you strengthen your customer loyalty and gain new customers through targeted marketing campaigns. The Marketing Suite ProCampaign® contains a large number of modules and functionalities, which are constantly being enhanced and expanded. Using the open interfaces, systems from other vendors and legacy systems can be integrated via real-time APIs.
The data protection-compliant Software as a Service ProCampaign® opens up a large number of possibilities that cover a wide range of CRM and customer experience requirements. Increase your company's success with the user-friendly ProCampaign®.
Use our SaaS for campaign management, sales force automation, digital commerce and cross-channel customer service.

High Flexibility with ProCampaign®
Decide which Customer Engagement Hub components are suitable for your company to optimize CRM and improve the customer experience. Meet the challenges of modern marketing and increase your sales. With ProCampaign®, the Secure Customer Engagement Hub, you reach customers on their preferred channels and deliver a consistent message.
Score through personal customer service and carry out individualized marketing campaigns. The personal reference, communication at the right time and relevant content through analysis of the customer profile strengthen your customer loyalty. Increase your turnover through satisfied customers.
Invest in individualized marketing that can be used across departments. With the ProCampaign® Secure Customer Engagement Hub, do not only implement your goals within your department, but company-wide.
ProCampaign stellt erneut unter Beweis, dass ein datenschutzkonformer Einsatz von CRM-Systemen möglich ist.
Sebastian Meissner, Leiter EuroPriSe-Zertifizierungsstelle
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Consultix GmbH
Wachtstraße 17-24
28195 Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 333 88-88