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Effective Lead Generation Made Easy - with Meta Lead Ads for ProCampaign®

The simple way to increase reach, customer loyalty and ROI

Collect leads on Facebook and Instagram and automatically transfer them to ProCampaign®!
With ProCampaign®, you can launch data-driven marketing campaigns that increase customer loyalty, reach, and your ROI. Personalized, automated campaigns adapt to the needs of new leads and ensure high customer retention, quickly turning prospects into engaged customers.

Facebook Lead Ad

What are Meta Lead Ads?

Meta Lead Ads are ads that redirect to a pre-filled form within Facebook/Instagram. Users/prospects can sign up for a newsletter, provide contact details, or request an offer with just two clicks. These forms are mobile-optimized, easy to use, and therefore ensure high conversion rates.

Audience Push for Optimal Targeting

The lead ads are targeted to specific audiences. It is highly advantageous to explicitly include or exclude certain customer groups. The ProCampaign® Meta Audience Push automatically transfers the data of profiles that have given their consent into the Custom Audiences group. This enables more precise targeting and improves the efficiency and evaluation of your campaigns.

Do you want to know how to use Meta Lead Ads successfully?

We would be happy to advise you on the topic of Facebook and Instagram Lead Ads integration in ProCampaign®.

Optimize Your Leads -  with Perfect Integration into ProCampaign®

With the ProCampaign® Meta Lead Ad Connector, leads are transferred in real-time to your ProCampaign® database. Automated processes in campaigns, such as welcome series and double opt-in processes, start immediately. All leads, prospects, and customers are stored in a single database, avoiding data silos and significantly improving data quality.

Facebook Lead Ads to generate new leads

Flexible Application

Use Meta Lead Ads in conjunction with ProCampaign® for:

  • Generating newsletter subscribers
  • Requesting offers
  • Callback requests
  • Recruiting
  • Surveys
  • Promoting special offers or discounts

Only Advantages with ProCampaign®

  • Easy lead generation from Facebook/Instagram with high reach
  • Automatic data exchange to ProCampaign®
  • Automatic start of predefined campaigns (double opt-in, welcome series)
  • More precise targeting through Audience Push

Take your lead gaining to a new level with the ProCampaign® - Meta Lead Ad Connector!

Feel free to contact us about Meta Lead Ads to find out more about customer acquisition via Facebook and Instagram.
We look forward to a personal appointment with you!

For LLOYD, ProCampaign is a comprehensive e-mail marketing tool that can certainly keep up with the solutions of the "big players" on the market and also presents a vision of how to link the online world with stationary retail.

Christin Susann Bugrahan, Online Marketing Manager at LLOYD Shoes

ProCampaign proves again that a privacy-compliant use of CRM systems is possible

Sebastian Meissner, Head of the EuroPriSe Certification

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We are happy to show you ProCampaign® live via online presentation. Arrange a demo appointment or a non-binding consultation now.